Going Public: How Science Communicators Can Break Through the Noise
Going Public: How Science Communicators Can Break Through the Noise
Friday, February 12, 2016: 1:00 PM-2:30 PM
Hoover (Marriott Wardman Park)
New and emerging communication technologies offer dynamic ways to convey scientific information to broader audiences. They also introduce new challenges -- including increased competition for attention and increased politicization of science. Technological advances and the platforms they enable make it easier for more people to circulate their views about scientific topics. As in the case of climate science and vaccines, many people now present themselves as scientific “experts” despite limited knowledge of the evidence or strong motives to mislead. Given the ease with which advocates publicize their own “facts,” it is not surprising that policymakers and the public are often confused about what to believe on topics where science could help them make better decisions. This panel focuses on how science communicators can adapt to these changes, presenting ways to gain the attention and credibility needed to convey critical information in increasingly competitive and politicized environments.
Arthur Lupia, University of Michigan
Kathleen Hall Jamieson, University of Pennsylvania
Arthur Lupia, University of Michigan