Neuroimaging: Discoveries from Fetus to Adult

Saturday, 14 February 2015: 1:30 PM-4:30 PM
Room 230A (San Jose Convention Center)
Advances in neuroimaging have led to new opportunities to gather data on brain structure and function in humans that were previously unattainable. These advances have provided opportunities to decipher the mysteries of brain development before and after birth through childhood, as well as during periods of age-dependent change, including adolescence and in the elderly. The information has led to new concepts of the early roots of risk for mental and neurological disorders and vulnerabilities that arise in the aging process. In fetal development, the assembly of circuits that will serve complex brain functions can be tracked, along with defining those circuits and individuals who are at great risk for brain disruption. These same brain regions undergo dramatic changes in childhood and into adolescence, and neuroimaging findings are revealing relationships between such changes and cognition, decision-making, and reward. In aging, neuroimaging methods can monitor decline in a circuit-specific fashion. The technology revolution also has led to new ideas of individual vulnerability to Alzheimer’s and other diseases that target these same brain regions. Experts will discuss the technical challenges of imaging across the lifespan; bioethics issues regarding the use of brain structure-function information; and how “big science” efforts are helping to resolve the biological basis of healthy and unhealthy brain maturation and aging.
Pat Levitt, University of Southern California
Catherine Limperopoulos, Children's National Medical Center
Frontiers of Human Fetal Brain Imaging in Health and Disease Risk
Beatriz Luna, University of Pittsburgh
Neuroimaging for Solving Mysteries of the Teenage Brain
Scott A. Small, Columbia University
Deciphering the Circuit Codes for Aging and Brain Disease
See more of: Biology and Neuroscience
See more of: Symposia