The Role of Higher Education in Science Diplomacy: Possibilities and Potential Pitfalls

Saturday, February 16, 2013: 1:00 PM-2:30 PM
Room 203 (Hynes Convention Center)
As the science, technology, and innovation (STI) enterprise has become more global, many nations, including the U.S., have increased activities at the nexus of science and diplomacy. These activities include using diplomacy to achieve large-scale cooperative scientific projects, using science to create bilateral agreements and concomitant goodwill, and supporting collaboration among faculty in different nations. It is particularly relevant to examine the role that institutions play in science diplomacy, since colleges and universities have increasingly become internationally engaged via foreign outposts -- e.g., branch campuses, major research partnerships -- and/or strong virtual presence -- e.g., distance curriculum and virtual centers. This session will address the following. First, how have universities been involved in science diplomacy of different nations and to what extent have they been engaged purposefully by governments and successful agents of “soft power”? Second, have different types of international engagement -- e.g., high-level research partnerships, STI capacity-building, international branch campuses, and curriculum development -- had different impacts on international relations and science diplomacy? Third, how can government-funded universities going about their international business also be supportive of their government? And lastly, are there areas where the interests of university STI and foreign policy do not align?
Elizabeth E. Lyons, U.S. Department of State
Claude R. Canizares, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
and Jonathan Bagger, Johns Hopkins University
E. William Colglazier, U.S. Department of State
Higher Education and United States Science Diplomacy
Jason E. Lane, State University of New York
Impact of International Branch Campuses on Science Diplomacy
See more of: Global Perspectives and Issues
See more of: Symposia