Population, Development, and�Environment:�Solutions for Global Challenges

Sunday, February 19, 2012: 8:00 AM-9:30 AM
Room 213 (VCC West Building)
Global health both affects and is directly influenced by social and economic development. These connections have become clearer with the United Nations Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), which are eight distinct but interdependent goals to achieve improvements in health, education, gender equity, poverty alleviation, and environmental sustainability. In an era of financial austerity, evidence-based solutions that provide cross-cutting benefits are required to achieve MDG targets. This session will explore connections between sexual and reproductive health and educational, social, and economic progress. Special attention will be paid to the interactions between family planning resources, population dynamics, environmental sustainability, and conservation. Data will be presented on efforts to expand access to family planning services in regions with vulnerable habitats and unstable livelihoods. The combined impact of population growth and resource consumption in highly developed nations will also be examined. The session engages experts in domains beyond global health to foment interdisciplinary solutions to sustainable development challenges.
E. Megan Davidson Averill, FHI 360
Tricia Petruney, FHI 360
Ward Cates, FHI 360
Gladys Kalema-Zikusoka, Conservation Through Public Health
Promoting Conservation Through Public Health and Sustainable Development in Uganda
Vicky Markham, Center for Environment and Population
The U.S. Role in Global Population-Environment Links
See more of: Collaboration
See more of: Symposia