Coastal Adaptation

Saturday, February 20, 2010: 8:30 AM-11:30 AM
Room 8 (San Diego Convention Center)
Coastal adaptation has become an increasingly important area of study as the significance of climate change rises, and coastal hazards have continued to damage coastal space and communities. Coastal adaptation action solely for climate change is not possible given the financial, infrastructural, and political constraints. A more realistic approach is to use existing methods and strategies of coastal adaptation that inform and meet new challenges of climate-change-induced vulnerabilities. In the past, conservation of wetlands, coral reefs, and habitats coupled with engineering solutions have mitigated the impact of coastal hazards. Recently, policy solutions such as coastal setback lines, rolling easements, building codes, and zoning resurfaced as potent forces to combat coastal hazards coupled with climate change. The panel will address three main solutions -- vegetation, engineering, and policy -- and examine their interaction with climate change impact. Each solution will be assessed in light of competing and complementary ways to mitigate and adapt to harmful coastal change. Can they build on one another to facilitate adaptation? Then, the speakers will relate them to case studies of sea-level rise and the economics and societal effects of these solutions in the context of adaptive capacity. They will be followed by discussions of physical and societal barriers and opportunities to coastal adaptation in light of Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) reports.
So-Min Cheong, University of Kansas
Robert Nicholls, University of Southampton
Barbara Ransom, National Science Foundation
Barry Smit, University of Guelph
and Stephen H. Schneider, Stanford University
Brian Silliman, University of Florida
Vegetation as a Protection Barrier
Seth Guikema, Johns Hopkins University
Coastal Adaption and Engineering Hardening
So-Min Cheong, University of Kansas
Policy Solutions
Gary Yohe, Wesleyan University
Economics of Coastal Adaptation Solutions
Cynthia Rosenzweig, Goddard Institute for Space Studies
Sea-Level Rise and New York City
Robert Nicholls, University of Southampton
Integrated Assessment of Coastal Adaptation
See more of: Responding to Environmental Change
See more of: Symposia