Quantum Computing and Post-Quantum Cryptography

Sunday, February 19, 2017: 8:00 AM-9:30 AM
Room 202 (Hynes Convention Center)
A quantum mechanical representation of information could enable revolutionary technologies, from fast computation to unbreakable encryption. The study of quantum information processing also advances basic science. This session explores how a computational perspective on quantum mechanics is revolutionizing diverse fields of study. Speakers will identify the policy implications of the transition to a quantum information society. There is already a vibrant research field of post-quantum cryptography, studying algorithms that may be resistant to a quantum computer attack. Integrating quantum cryptography into networks may be part of the long-range evolution of data encryption standards. Speakers also will consider computational intractability as a law of nature and the capabilities of quantum computers, ranging from simple optical experiments to black hole physics. The panel will discuss whether quantum computing may lead to a revision of the scientific method itself, since the usual approach to science -- based on verifying the predictions of a candidate theory -- cannot be used when those predictions become computationally difficult. A new framework of interactive experiments, allowing for efficient testing of quantum mechanics with limited computational resources, is proposed.
Charles W. Clark, Joint Quantum Institute
Scott Aaronson, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Quantum Information, Mathematical Knowledge, and the Laws of Physics
Dorit Aharonov, Hebrew University
Trusted Entanglement