Supporting Silly-Sounding Science
Supporting Silly-Sounding Science
Saturday, February 18, 2017: 8:00 AM-9:30 AM
Room 206 (Hynes Convention Center)
Misunderstood or “silly sounding” research is often much more than it seems. This session highlights scientists who have found creative ways to explain the value of their work in the face of public or political scrutiny. The discussion will be particularly valuable for scientists who work in controversial, odd, or obscure areas of research, for those who want to support them, and for those who want to learn about how silly-sounding science can lead to societal benefits. Speakers will discuss ways that individual scientists, their institutions, and the scientific community at large can work together to speak up for science, such as the Golden Goose Award, which recognizes silly, odd, or obscure-sounding research that has returned serious benefits to society.
Josh Shiode, AAAS Office of Government Relations
Erin Heath, AAAS Office of Government Relations
Brian Baird, US House of Representatives