Artificial Intelligence, People, and Society

Saturday, February 18, 2017: 10:00 AM-11:30 AM
Room 210 (Hynes Convention Center)
We are at the starting line in the application of artificial intelligence research, but its transformative potential is already clear. Despite many machine learning-based technologies  being used daily, the public primarily engages with artificial intelligence through hyperbolic scare stories of robot wars and the end of humanity. The many ways in which artificial intelligence could realistically transform our lives are often neglected. This means the public may disregard the potential benefits of artificial intelligence in diverse sectors such as health care, finance, and public services, as well as the potential for real social challenges. Experience with other emerging technologies shows that it is possible to reach consensus on the use of potentially controversial research. We can discuss artificial intelligence in a pragmatic and evidence-based way, which can meaningfully shape its place in society, recognizing that the benefits and risks will play out differently for different uses of this technology, and the public is likely to embrace or reject these uses accordingly. Artificial intelligence will affect employment, both in creating new jobs and removing others, which may influence public opinion. There is a pressing need for experts, policymakers, and the public to inform debates that will transform how artificial intelligence develops. This session discusses cutting-edge research from the U.S. and U.K. to consider the question: how will artificial intelligence shape life in 2030?
Henry Kautz, University of Rochester
Luke Clarke, The Royal Society, London
Erik Brynjolfsson, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
AI and Employment: The Future of the Workforce