Open Science: Global Perspectives and Prospects

Monday, February 15, 2016: 9:00 AM-10:30 AM
Harding (Marriott Wardman Park)
The current trend towards 'open science' comes predominantly from a bottom-up process, driven by the increasing number of researchers operating in a global digital network and by societal demands to address global challenges. Institutions such as universities, funders, libraries, and publishers at national and international levels find themselves in various stages of responding or adapting to the evolving situation. Universities are considering new ways to evaluate researchers’ careers and are requiring different types of research skills from researchers. Evaluating the impact of research is of growing importance to research funding organizations, and new institutions are emerging to focus on determining these impacts. Publishers are actively moving toward open access models for research publications and data. This symposium addresses perspectives on open science from Europe, Japan, and the United States and opportunities for global science engagement to address critical international challenges by advancing open science across all institutional levels.
Rene von Schomberg, European Commission
Niels Stern, Nordic Council of Ministers
James Wilsdon, University of Sussex
The Role of Metrics in Research Assessment
Yuko Harayama, Council for Science, Technology, and Innovation, Government of Japan
Advancing Open Science in Japan and in International Collaboration
Jerry Sheehan, National Library of Medicine
Open Science: U.S. Advances and the Role of the OECD
See more of: Global Perspectives and Issues
See more of: Symposia