Advancing Open Science in Japan and in International Collaboration
OECD was one of the first movers to engage the debate on Open Science among STI policy makers, and its report “Making Open Science a Reality” (2015) provides an overview of recent policy trends and helps us to identify major policy challenges.
G8 Science Ministers’ Meeting in London (2013) was crucial to give a political push to this move. In fact, in its Statement, G8 Science Ministers endorsed “Open Data” and “Open Access”.
Given these global trends, recognizing that it is of vital importance for Japan to participate in the international discussion and to demonstrate its proactive approaches to promote open science, “the Expert Panel on Open Science in Global Perspective” has discussed various issues Japan has to tackle immediately. Based on these discussions, the Expert Panel expressed guiding principles to promote Open Science in Japan in its report “Promoting Open Science in Japan. Opening up a new era for the advancement of science” (2015), one of the direct consequences being the identification of the “Promoting Open Science” as a key policy issue in the forthcoming 5th Science and Technology Basic Plan (2016-2020).