Public-Private Partnerships to Accelerate Innovation in Intelligence Analysis

Monday, February 15, 2016: 9:00 AM-10:30 AM
Marriott Balcony B (Marriott Wardman Park)
This session features perspectives on academic-industry-government partnerships for developing scientific solutions to complex problems and global challenges, focusing on two organizations that have grown out of the intelligence communities in the United States and Canada. The Laboratory for Analytic Sciences (LAS) develops the science of analysis and large-scale informatics, with a focus on tradecraft, technology, and user experience. VENUS is a membership-based consortium of public and private entities focused on advancing cybersecurity. Fostering innovation is critical for both LAS and VENUS, and each develops and refines its own approach to achieving it. The session explores the principles and processes behind how academic-industry-government partnerships can be assembled, how they function, and what contributions  each sector makes. Government can help establish strategic goals and benefits from the partnership by encouraging innovation, developing foundational science, and seeding new markets. Industry can create new markets and jobs and benefits by shaping the future workforce, participating in grand challenge research, and engaging early solution adopters. Academia can advance science and develop a workforce, benefiting from research funding, graduate placement, and opportunities for technology and knowledge transfer.
Alyson Wilson, North Carolina State University
Alyson Wilson, North Carolina State University
Kathleen Vogel, North Carolina State University
Producing Knowledge at the Interface of Academia and Intelligence
Michael Bender, Laboratory for Analytic Sciences
Partnering to Develop the Science of Analysis