Novel Government Partnerships: Integrating Developing Countries in Global Research

Saturday, 14 February 2015: 1:00 PM-2:30 PM
Room LL21A (San Jose Convention Center)
The global research community is increasing in complexity. Integrating emerging countries remains a challenge. Creative interagency partnerships among government ministries are fostering this integration, helping countries grow their science and technology (S&T) capacity and translate knowledge into impact. To address today's global challenges, multidisciplinary collaborations must be formed. This session focuses on exciting new partnerships among government agencies -- connecting development with research and expertise in cultural preservation, health, energy, agriculture, and water. Building partnerships between knowledge-generating and technical institutions leverages federal science investment and strengthens development impact. These partnerships facilitate open, available, and accessible information sharing. Inherent in this are data (informatics and imaging) and innovation -- essential in addressing global challenges. Data inform and enlighten research practices, direction, and vision. This symposium will train participants on how to combine federal resources, develop novel research programs, strengthen development impact, and share data that foster global advances in S&T and economic growth through talks and a breakout session. Examples of development impact will be highlighted, including the importance of connecting researchers “on the ground.”
Katherine E. Himes, U.S. Agency for International Development
Cameron D. Bess, U.S. Agency for International Development
E. William Colglazier, AAAS Center for Science Diplomacy
Katherine E. Himes, U.S. Agency for International Development
Integrating Emerging Country Scientists and Engineers in the Global Research Community
See more of: Global Perspectives and Issues
See more of: Symposia