Open Science: Reducing Barriers to Scientific Breakthroughs

Saturday, 15 February 2014: 8:00 AM-9:30 AM
Columbus KL (Hyatt Regency Chicago)
Solving global challenges requires scientific breakthroughs from a variety of sectors beyond federally supported research laboratories at established institutions. Scientists in developing regions, afflicted communities, and social entrepreneurs have the potential to contribute diverse and novel solutions to global issues, yet they often lack the resources to advance their own scientific research. The open science movement aims to make research materials, data, and scientific education more accessible, empowering a wider demographic to engage in the global science community.  This symposium proposes innovative avenues for engaging a broader scientific community—from open-source laboratory equipment designs to do-it-yourself medical technologies to public research facilities—and discusses strategies aimed at validating the impact of these efforts. The panel will provide a range of perspectives to this topic, addressing these issues from the positions of non-profit and academic institutions that forge partnerships to increase diversity in scientific research.
Kathryn L. Lovero, University of California
Lina Nilsson, University of California, Berkeley
and Todd A. Duncombe, University of California, Berkeley
Rabiah Mayas, Museum of Science and Industry
Increasing STEM Engagement Through Communal Fabrication Lab Facilities
Julea Vlassakis, University of California, Berkeley
Build My Lab: The Tekla Labs Approach to Increasing Global Science Capacity
Jose Gomez-Marquez Inno, Little Devices at Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Do It Yourself Medical Technologies Enabling Local Health Care Development