Hydraulic Fracturing: Science, Technology, Myths, and Challenges

Friday, 14 February 2014: 8:30 AM-11:30 AM
Comiskey (Hyatt Regency Chicago)
The rapid growth in domestic oil and gas production from shale resources is having a profound impact on the U.S. energy landscape. However, the development of these resources has not occurred without controversy. These resources have been unlocked through the application of two primary technologies: horizontal drilling and hydraulic fracturing or "fracking". The technique of hydraulic fracturing specifically has come under increased scrutiny by land owners and environmental groups over its uncertain impacts to groundwater. Furthermore, questions remain about the potential long term climate implications of abundant and inexpensive natural gas, especially in light of uncertainties surrounding fugitive methane emissions. Leaders from industry, academia, and the environmental community discuss how science and technology have helped to fuel the shale revolution, debunk myths about hydraulic fracturing, and identify challenges and possible solutions needed to ensure the safe and sustainable development of these resources.
Christopher B. Harto, Argonne National Laboratory
Alfred P. Sattelberger, Argonne National Laboratory
Christopher B. Harto, Argonne National Laboratory
Avner Vengosh, Duke University
Environmental Impacts and Risks
Gene Theodori, Sam Houston State University
Social Implications of Hydraulic Fracturing
David Allen, University of Texas-Austin
Air Emissions and Control Technologies
Dan Arthur , ALL Consulting
Hydraulic Fracturing Technologies
See more of: Energy and Renewable Resources
See more of: Symposia