Focusing the Gender Lens on Science and Innovation: Improving Lives and Livelihoods

Sunday, 16 February 2014: 8:00 AM-9:30 AM
Grand Ballroom C North (Hyatt Regency Chicago)
Women’s activities in food production, community management, natural resources and biodiversity management, child education, and family care put them at the center of development. They are fuel and water collectors, food producers, and users of energy for households and transport. According to the World Bank, women's productive enterprises have lower levels of access to resources such as technology, information, inputs, credit, and training, causing female farmers to have 20 to 30percent lower productivity than males. Worldwide, businesses run by female entrepreneurs have lower levels of productivity than male-managed enterprises. Understanding the contributions women can make to science, innovation, technology, and engineering (SITE) research, policy, and programming—as well as the role SITE can play in supporting the lives and livelihoods of women and men—is critical for meeting global environment and development challenges. GenderInSITE is an international initiative to develop SITE-based approaches to meet these challenges. GenderInSITE promotes the use of the ‘gender lens’ to ensure that science, technology, and innovation (STI) policy and programs are effective, equitable, and sustainable—and that they reflect the aims, concerns, situation, and abilities of both women and men. Use of the ‘gender lens’ will contribute to innovative, effective, and equitable approaches to meeting the global challenges affecting the health of both the planet and the people.
Sophia Huyer, Organization for Women in Science for the Developing World
Shirley M. Malcom, AAAS Education and Human Resources
Sophia Huyer, Organization for Women in Science for the Developing World
Sudha Nair, United Nations Commission on Science and Technology for Development
Priorities and Strategies for Asia
Gloria Bonder, FLACSO Argentina
Priorities and Strategies for Latin America
Peggy Oti-Boateng, African Network of Scientific and Technological Institutions (ANSTI)
Gender and SITE in Africa: Challenges, Opportunities and Policy
See more of: Global Perspectives and Issues
See more of: Symposia