2751 Identifying microRNA-Regulated Genes

Monday, February 21, 2011: 9:45 AM
147A (Washington Convention Center )
Robert Darnell , Rockefeller University, New York, NY
Decoding protein-RNA regulation with HITS-CLIP maps

Sung Wook Chi, Chaolin Zhang, Jennifer C. Darnell, Greg Hannon2 and Robert B. Darnell

The Rockefeller University, CSHL2 and Howard Hughes Medical Institute

The brain has unique systems for regulating RNA metabolism, and these are often targeted in human neurologic disease. Using studies of a neuron-specific RNA binding protein, Nova, as a platform, we have developed the HITS-CLIP method to identify protein-RNA interaction maps present in the brain.  Recently, we have expanded HITS-CLIP to the study of Argonaute-microRNA-mRNA ternary interactions, which are able to precisely identify microRNA binding sites on a genome-wide scale.  Overlaying these different sets of maps offers the potential to develop new insights into the dynamics of RNA regulation.  At the same time, many robust Ago-mRNA binding sites do not conform to current understanding of Ago-miRNA function.  These exceptions, and new experiments to address them, will be discussed.

This work was funded by the NIH and HHMI

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