Communicating Science to the Public: Culture and Social Context in East Asia

Saturday, February 20, 2010: 3:30 PM-5:00 PM
Room 10 (San Diego Convention Center)
The purpose of science communication is to bridge science and society. It first appeared in the early 1990s as a response to the distrust of the public in scientists and the government. China, Japan, and Korea were promoting various projects for science education and public understanding of science and succeeded at least in science education, especially for instance in the Program for International Student Assessment, Trend in International Mathematics and Science Study, or Science Olympiad. But those are activities referred to as “public understanding of science.” The phrase and old concept has been replaced with “science communication and science culture.” It is based on the idea that knowledge should not be forced on people from above, but rather that science specialists and nonspecialists must communicate in a way that reflects consideration of the other’s position. Thus, each country has started to promote new projects based on the new concept. For instance, however, in Asia, when someone organizes a café scientifique, which is an important and effective tool for science communication, a European café style does not necessarily gain great success. Now people are attempting unique trials based on their culture. This session reports on science communication and science culture activities as well as promotional programs in each country and their own unique ideas.
Masataka Watanabe, Japan Science and Technology Agency
Sook-Kyoung Cho, Korea Foundation for the Advancement of Science and Creativity
and Sun Mengxin, China Association for Science and Technology
Bruce V. Lewenstein, Cornell University
Patrick Vittet-Philippe, European Commission, Joint Research Center
and Ilan Chabay, Göteborg University
Yoon Chung, Korea Foundation for the Advancement of Science and Creativity
An Innovative Way of Science Communication in Korea
Ke Wang, China Association for Science and Technology
Science Communication for 1.3 Billion Chinese
Masataka Watanabe, Japan Science and Technology Agency
On Japan's Ways of Science Communication
See more of: Communicating Science
See more of: Symposia