Call for Proposals: AAAS 2021 Annual Meeting
This call is for both scientific sessions and career workshops for the 2021 AAAS Annual Meeting, which will convene virtually. Please click on the appropriate link for submission instructions.
Scientific Sessions:
Deadline Reached
Sessions should be focused on topics and projects with broad appeal and relevance. Accepted speakers will each pre-record 20-minute "spotlight videos" to be released starting in January. The first half of the video will be the speaker presenting their work, followed by a discussion between the speaker and a respondent. During a live event in February, all session panelists will join together for a 35-minute discussion focusing on the interactions among their work, as well as addressing audience questions.
Career Workshops
Deadline Reached
Career workshops are aimed at both individuals seeking careers in science and engineering and professionals looking to sharpen or supplement their skills. These workshops are instructional or informational in nature and are markedly different from a scientific session. Workshops may have up to 3 presenters and will be 60 minutes in length.