Science Communication Strategies in Academic, Government, and Non-Profit Sectors

Sunday, February 19, 2017: 3:00 PM-4:00 PM
Room 207 (Hynes Convention Center)
This workshop discusses different methods of science communication within the academic, government, and non-profit sectors. A panel of experts will discuss the following: How do science communication strategies differ by audience? What are the most effective messaging strategies? What are some of the main challenges? There will be ample time for audience questions/answers as well. The intent of this workshop is to illustrate the challenges of communicating to different audiences, and inform scientists on how to convey their message in the most meaningful way to influence decision-makers in each sector.
Judy Keen, American Society for Radiation Oncology
Lynn Adams, Freelancer
Astrid Caldas, Union of Concerned Scientists,
Don Engel, University of Maryland, Baltimore County,
Samantha White, National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke and Brian Carter, Overdeck Family Foundation