21st Century Learning Tools: From Research to Innovation

Saturday, February 18, 2017: 1:45 PM-2:00 PM
Room 308 (Hynes Convention Center)
This presentation will outline the research-based design strategies that underlie our innovative creation of new and groundbreaking learning tools that support successful reading and language acquisition in all young visual learners, inclusive of the young deaf visual learner. Several Visual Language and Visual Learning (VL2), NSF's Science of Learning Center learning tools will be discussed, including the first-ever interactive ASL-English bilingual storybook apps, as well as the development of a Storybook Creator template that allows non-programmers to create their own bilingual apps – a creator template that is already having a global impact. With rich VL2 Center collaboration led by Dr. Petitto, VL2 Science of Learning Co-PI and Science Director, recent acquisition of a state-of-the-art Motion Capture System has enabled our VL2 team to catapult our research and learning tool development forward regarding our discovery of the rhythmic temporal patterns at the nucleus of all human language structure – and especially those language patterns that all young infants find fascinating in nursery rhymes. Like spoken languages, ASL has rhythmically patterned nursery rhymes that are visually and linguistically rich. In this presentation, we will exhibit several samples of our award-winning learning tools, as well as outline future creative directions in developing immersive learning experiences for all young learners.
Melissa Herzig, Gallaudet University
Jay Labov, National Academy of Sciences
Melissa Malzkuhn, Gallaudet University
21st Century Learning Tools: From Research to Innovation