Friday, February 17, 2017
Exhibit Hall (Hynes Convention Center)
Akhil Patel, Colonia High School, Iselin, NJ
Jordyn Pagnozzi, Colonia High School, Colonia, NJ
Isaiah Bartlett, Colonia High School, Colonia, NJ
This research involved the development of an ultrasonic detection device for obstacle avoidance for the visually impaired. An Arduino Mega digital control unit was programmed with an Annikken Andee wireless interface to send signals from ultrasonic detectors to a cellular device. Using ultrasonic sensors attached at the foot, hip, and chest level, the apparatus alerted the user to obstacles. A 10 m course with intentional obstructions was utilized to test the effectiveness of the device. When the subject neared an obstacle located at the set distance of 30 centimeters, the cellular device was sent an alert from the wired Annikken Andee having been signaled by the Arduino. Out of the 25 trials conducted, 24 trials were successful. The data demonstrates the Annikken Andee wired together with the Arduino Mega board were able to emit the needed warning alert when the detected object is past the set trigger distance in the program.