Principles and Practices of Scientific Advice: A Perspective From Japan
Principles and Practices of Scientific Advice: A Perspective From Japan
Friday, February 17, 2017: 1:00 PM-2:30 PM
Room 310 (Hynes Convention Center)
A global trend around the world is that science, technology and innovation (STI) have been mainstreamed in public policies, alongside the increased requirement for evidence-based policymaking. There is a common need to bring scientific knowledge as well as scientific approach on the policy arena, while there are diverse ways to put this into practice, e.g. official appointment of Chief Science Advisor (CSA), formal advisory board, or ad-hoc group of scientific experts. Japan is no exception to this trend. The Council for Science, Technology and Innovation (CSTI), formerly named Council for Science and Technology Policy, chaired by the Prime Minister is in place at the Cabinet Office of Japan since 1996. Its competencies have been extended with time, and CSTI is expected to be more active in the exercise of whole-of-government approach. In my presentation, I will share the practice of “scientific advice to government” in Japan, based on my experiences as an Executive Member of the CSTI, in view of exploring the possibility to develop a set of global principles.