Creating a Publishing Legacy: Managing Your Digital Profile

Friday, February 12, 2016: 9:15 AM-10:15 AM
Washington 1 (Marriott Wardman Park)
New and developing scientists are trained to follow best practices for research, data management, and information sharing, as well as for building their reputation through publishing. This workshop demonstrates a variety of tools and pathways scientists can use to establish their place in the world of knowledge dissemination and contend with the challenges of contemporary scholarly publishing. The spectrum of open access resources, publishing opportunities, and new technologies compound the choices scientists have for where to publish and can affect the impact of their work on future discovery and knowledge generation. This workshop highlights how thoughtful management of your publishing outputs promotes your professional legacy.
Laura Bowering Mullen, Rutgers University Library of Science and Medicine
Julia Gelfand, University of California, Irvine Libraries