From Basic Discovery to Intellectual Property
From Basic Discovery to Intellectual Property
Friday, February 12, 2016: 1:30 PM-4:30 PM
Marshall Ballroom South (Marriott Wardman Park)
Dr. Locascio's experience on the international scene has been in leadership positions on nanotechnology, environmental science, and biotechnology standards committees. These standards have a profound implication on the ability of countries to develop their own standards and trade policies, clearly a global science engagement collaborative. Dr. Locascio has been actively engaged in the International Bureau of Weights and Measures Consultative Committee on the Quantity of Substance, an international group of NMI leadership whose purpose is global harmonization and comparability of data. Her innovative research and entrepreneurial ventures have led to 12 patents in the fields of microfluidic systems and applications thereof, several of which have been licensed. She also oversees multiple active collaborations w/ international corporations in fields ranging from materials science discovery to biotechnology research. Her presentation will illuminate global science engagement in entrepreneurship as well as share the intricacies of the tech transfer/patent process that is often a challenge to these entrepreneurial ventures.