Beyond the Punch Line
Beyond the Punch Line
Friday, February 12, 2016: 8:00 AM-9:30 AM
Marshall Ballroom South (Marriott Wardman Park)
If you drew a Venn Diagram featuring the two sets “science” and “comedy,” you might not expect to find much at their intersection. But Brian Malow draws on two decades as a stand up comedian to help scientists communicate better with general audiences.
Brian will share some suggestions and simple tools for incorporating humor into public talks - including quotations, humorous slides, and analogies - with a focus on helping scientists become relaxed and comfortable enough on stage to allow their personalities to shine through.
In addition to his career as a standup comic, Brian has produced science videos for Time Magazine’s website and audio essays for Neil deGrasse Tyson’s radio show. He was a blogger for Scientific American, and he currently works in science communications at the North Carolina Museum of Natural Sciences.