Caballiance: Training a New Generation of Biodiversity Scientists
Caballiance: Training a New Generation of Biodiversity Scientists
Friday, February 12, 2016: 10:00 AM-11:30 AM
Hoover (Marriott Wardman Park)
Gabon is a country rich in biodiversity and an extensive national park system placing it at the forefront of conservation efforts in the Central African region. Dr. Ntie is a faculty member in the Department of Biology at the University of Science and Techniques of Masuku (USTM) in Gabon. USTM is the primary science and technological university in the country and provides fundamental training in biology and other scientific disciplines. As part of its commitment to environmental research and education, USTM has recently developed graduate programs at the Masters and Ph.D. level. In his talk, Dr. Ntie will provide an overview of postdoctoral, graduate and undergraduate-level training in biological sciences at USTM. He will also describe USTM's extensive engagement in a number of collaborative partnerships, including CABAlliance and other national and international institutions and consortia. He will also review some of the current challenges facing environmental research and education in the region as well as opportunities for further development and expansion of higher education into the 21st century.