Opportunities for Global Engagement on Research Infrastructures

Friday, February 12, 2016: 8:00 AM-9:30 AM
Marriott Balcony A (Marriott Wardman Park)
Antonio Di Giulio, European Commission Directorate-General for Research and Innovation, Brussels, Belgium
The Arctic is an area of growing strategic importance. The European Union has an important role to play in supporting successful Arctic cooperation and helping to meet the challenges now facing the region.

Supporting research and channelling knowledge to address environmental and climate change in the Arctic will strengthen decision making on aspects such as environmental protection, sustainable use of resources.

Excellent Research Infrastructures can drive transformative research in the Arctic but it requires enhanced global cooperation in view of optimised access to the platforms, scientific data and services, and committed support to the most strategic (existing or to be developed) infrastructures.

The EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation Horizon2020 fosters global cooperation. In particular transatlantic cooperation can be enhanced by promoting the international access to the infrastructures and equipment; facilitating the effective scheduling of measurement campaigns or experimentation and encouraging operational synergies between user communities; supporting the development of more integrated services by research infrastructures including access to scientific data; avoiding the duplication of costly efforts.

Along with these concrete opportunities, there is also a need to engage with researchers , funders and policy makers to identify the way forward for a more holistic approach to research infrastructures. The European Commission is willing to promote efficient access to Arctic information, facilitate dialogues on Arctic issues and a better alignment of research infrastructures programmes with other Arctic partners.


* This presentation shall neither be binding nor construed as constituting a commitment by the European Commission