Visualization of Scientific Data

Friday, 13 February 2015: 8:00 AM-9:00 AM
Room 212 (San Jose Convention Center)
No one can dispute the effectiveness of a good visualization for clearly communicating an idea, whether in the scientific domain or elsewhere. However, little education is provided to trainees on how to do this. Instead, they are mostly left to figure it out on their own, resulting in many missed teachable moments, not only for developing clear communication but learning what sorts of image manipulations and data processing choices are appropriate. This workshop will cover the fundamentals of clear and effective visualization techniques and show how they can be applied to scientific data with examples drawn from real experiments. There will be an emphasis on reproducible, documented, analysis routines using R and open-source software.
William Gunn, Mendeley / Elsevier
William Gunn, Mendeley / Elsevier