Consequences of Global Droughts for Food Security

Sunday, 15 February 2015: 8:30 AM-11:30 AM
Room LL20A (San Jose Convention Center)
Felix Kogan,National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, College Park, MD
Up to16% of the world land has been affected by severe drought since 2000. These droughts reduced agricultural production, leading to food shortages, human health deterioration, poverty, regional disturbances, population migration and death. Global food security (GFS) was the 21st century’s issue eight out of 15 years when drought reduced global grain production below steadily grown consumption. This presentation discusses consequences of global droughts in a warmer climate for agricultural crops. Have large scale weather disasters, such as droughts and heat waves, increased crop losses resulted in deterioration of GFS. Have climate warming intensify this process? What should we do to observe and monitor these changes? Do we have enough time for adaptation? The evidences will be presented based on global and regional in situ’s climate, crop and satellite’s land cover records in the major food-producing countries.