Cassini Science Highlights: Surprises in the Saturn System
Cassini is now in the last three years of a seven-year phase called the Solstice Mission, returning science in a hitherto unobserved seasonal phase from equinox to solstice. The Solstice Mission is providing new science; first, by observing seasonally and temporally dependent processes on Saturn, Titan, Enceladus and other icy moons, and within the rings and magnetosphere; second, by addressing new questions that have arisen during the mission thus far, for example providing qualitatively new measurements of Enceladus and Titan which could not be accommodated in the earlier mission phases; and third, by conducting a close-in mission at Saturn that would provide a unique comparison to the Juno observations at Jupiter.
This flagship mission is a cooperative undertaking by NASA, ESA, and the Italian space agency (Agenzia Spaziale Italiana (ASI)). Highlights from 10 years of Cassini's ambitious inquiry at Saturn will be presented.
This work was carried out in part at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, under contract with NASA. Copyright 2014 California Institute of Technology. Government sponsorship is acknowledged.