Working for Human Rights: Communicating for Effective Engagement

Saturday, 15 February 2014: 9:15 AM-10:15 AM
Grand Ballroom F (Hyatt Regency Chicago)
Scientists and engineers who integrate a commitment to human rights with their professional careers have exceptional opportunities to work and communicate with a broad and diverse range of audiences. However, the urgency of human rights work can lead to messages about methodology, bias, and research limitations being lost. In this interactive workshop, participants will explore varied career pathways for providing scientific talent, tools and techniques to human rights work, learn more about the particular challenges the human rights context can present for communicating information and findings in a responsible way, and practice developing science-based messaging for nonscientific, public audiences.
Mark S. Frankel, AAAS Science and Policy Programs
Mark S. Frankel, AAAS Science and Policy Programs
and Robin Mejia, UC Berkeley Department of Biostatistics, UC Berkeley Human Rights Center