Integrated Cellular Systems: Building Machines with Cells

Sunday, 16 February 2014: 10:00 AM-11:30 AM
Regency A (Hyatt Regency Chicago)
Development of increasingly complex cellular systems will be a major challenge for the next decade and beyond, as we use the knowledge gained from the sub-disciplines of tissue engineering, synthetic biology, micro-fabrication and nanotechnology, systems biology, and developmental biology. This session describes the current state-of-the-art in differentiating source cells from more primitive, pluripotent cells; organizing cells into populations of a single cell type to produce the components or building blocks of higher order systems; and combining multiple cell types to produce greater functionality. As these “biological machines” increase in capabilities, exhibit emergent behavior, and potentially reveal the ability for self-assembly, self-repair, and even self-replication, questions arise regarding the ethical implications of this work. Future prospects as well as ways of addressing complex ethical questions will be addressed.
Nicholas A. Peppas, University of Texas, Austin
Rashid Bashir, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
Ali Khademhosseini, Harvard Medical School
Roger Kamm, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Building Living Machines: Microvasculature Networks for a Living Machine
Taher Saif, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
From Synchrony to Swimming
Sarah C. Heilshorn, Stanford University
Directing the Growth of Living Neural Networks