Fight the PowerPoint! Become a Science Presentation Superstar

Saturday, 15 February 2014: 8:00 AM-9:00 AM
Grand Ballroom F (Hyatt Regency Chicago)
The ability to deliver effective and engaging oral presentations is a critical skill for students, scientists and others. Unfortunately, despite the importance of clear communication, too many presentations at conferences and workshops are confusing, abstract and boring. In this workshop, you’ll learn several key strategies and tips that will help your professional presentations stand out from the crowd. Speakers will discuss strategies for presentation planning, show how basic design principles can create more memorable slides, and point you towards an outstanding set of online tools and resources. Become a presentation superstar!
Todd Reubold, University of Minnesota Institute on the Environment
Scott St. George, University of Minnesota
Todd Reubold, University of Minnesota Institute on the Environment
and Scott St. George, University of Minnesota