48 Hours To Save the World: Challenge of the Next Pandemic

Friday, 14 February 2014: 1:00 PM-2:30 PM
Columbus IJ (Hyatt Regency Chicago)
The symposium discusses a newly launched global multi-funder initiative across the continents with the goal to coordinate and initiate research efforts addressing any new or emerging infectious epidemic within 48 hours after an outbreak. This symposium presents the new initiative in the light of the scientific challenges and the financial constraints that researchers faced in the past when trying to respond rapidly to infectious threats. Worldwide human populations are under threat from newly emerging and drug-resistant infectious epidemics that are not only spreading faster but also appearing more frequently than ever before. An emerging epidemic or appearance of a new type of drug-resistant infection can strike anywhere, anytime in the world. In addition to being a major threat to public health, such epidemics are a severe burden on the global economy. Researchers are thus faced with unprecedented expectations from politicians and the public to rapidly find comprehensive, global, and flexible approaches to treating, containing, and controlling such epidemics. The development of effective responses is beyond the capacity of any single country. Global challenges need global solutions, and research funders play a key role in facilitating international cooperation by providing targeted financial support quickly.
Line Matthiessen, European Commission
Gianpietro Van De Goor, European Commission
Nicole Lurie, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Bernadette Murgue, French National Institute for Health and Medical Research (Inserm)
Scientific Response to Pandemic Outbreaks : Stock Taking and Perspectives
Clive Morris, National Health and Medical Research Council
Public Research Funding on Health Emergencies
See more of: Medical Sciences and Public Health
See more of: Symposia