Bad Presenter Bingo 2.0: Be a Loser of this Science Communication Game

Friday, February 15, 2013: 3:30 PM-4:30 PM
Room 209 (Hynes Convention Center)
Scientists are increasingly encouraged to explain their work to public audiences, and recent years have seen an explosion of opportunities to do so. “Lay” audiences (i.e., donors, grant reviewers, policy-makers, media, and science-curious publics) are of tremendous importance to scientists’ work. Traditionally, scientists have not been taught communication skills along with research skills, and they may feel at a disadvantage. Fortunately, effective strategies for presenting to lay audiences are easy to learn and practice. By using an engaging "Bingo" game, this workshop will explain and demonstrate those strategies, offer tips for mastering them, and provide attendees with resources available to consult before their next presentation.
Monica M. Metzler, Illinois Science Council
Monica M. Metzler, Illinois Science Council