Creating Sustainable Career Paths in Global Health Research: Challenges and Solutions

Saturday, February 18, 2012: 11:00 AM-12:30 PM
Room 111-112 (VCC West Building)
Attracting and retaining talented scientists is of interest to all countries. Global, social, economic, and technological forces affect labor mobility and challenge institutions to support researchers who will tackle wicked problems such as health and social inequities, crippling effects of HIV on health systems, and climate change and chronic diseases. The Global Health Research Initiative and Canadian Coalition for Global Health Research are committed to sustainable career paths. By drawing on capacity enhancement program lessons, the workshop will outline challenges and solutions for sustainable career paths on these topics: global health competencies, innovative funding, mentoring programs, and reciprocal learning mechanisms.
Erica Di Ruggiero, Canadian Institutes of Health Research
Nancy Edwards, CIHR - Institute of Population and Public Health
, Donald C. Cole, University of Toronto
and Slim Haddad, University of Montreal
See more of: Career Pathways
See more of: Career Development Workshops