Being OUT in the Sciences: Best Practices

Saturday, February 18, 2012: 9:15 AM-10:45 AM
Room 111-112 (VCC West Building)
This workshop features a roundtable discussion on being open as a lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender (LGBT) person on campus and in the scientific and technical workplace. The relative state of LGBT equality will be discussed as well as ways to improve campus life and the employment and professional workplace environment through “safe space” programs, joining student and employee networking groups, and providing visibility. Programming to provide role models of successful LGBT STEM professionals, networking, and mentoring will be shared.Topics for NOGLSTP's 2012 Out To Innovate Summit will be showcased. Audience participants will be able to share experiences and network.
Rochelle A. Diamond, California Institute of Technology
Rochelle A. Diamond, California Institute of Technology
Barbara Belmont, NOGLSTP
, Amy A. Ross, NOGLSTP
and Paula S. Jones, Genentech