Quantum Information Technologies: A New Era for Global Communication

Sunday, February 19, 2012: 3:00 PM-4:30 PM
Room 118 (VCC West Building)
When Marconi applied Maxwell's electromagnetism to send the first wireless message between continents, the Communications Age was born, changing our lives with radio, television, and now cell phones and wireless Internet. Furthermore, our growing understanding of quantum mechanics and information theory, two pillars of the 20th century, has continued to transform our society and the modern world. Uniting the two gives rise to exciting new possibilities: quantum information technologies. These promise to fundamentally change the way we manipulate, store, and transmit information and could revolutionize global communications. Quantum communication is quickly moving from the blackboard to experimental proof of principle and technological innovation. Such quantum information technologies open the door to new applications impossible to achieve in today's world. Many researchers are developing the technologies to connect different places worldwide through satellite quantum communication and quantum repeaters to develop quantum cryptography and test quantum physics at unprecedented distances. This symposium will explore cutting-edge advances in quantum communication, highlighting key international research projects. Speakers will also discuss the potential transformational impacts of the most promising communication outcomes of the quantum information revolution.
Martin Laforest, Institute for Quantum Computing
Lisa Lambert, Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
Raymond Laflamme, University of Waterloo
Raymond Laflamme, University of Waterloo
Masahide Sasaki, National Institute of Information and Communications Technology
Global Quantum Communication
Anton Zeilinger, University of Vienna
Quantum Cryptography Using the International Space Station
See more of: Discovery
See more of: Symposia