Web Surveillance: Fighting Terrorism and Infectious Diseases

Saturday, February 18, 2012: 1:30 PM-4:30 PM
Ballroom A (VCC West Building)
Traditional approaches to understanding the spread of terrorism and infectious diseases are based on 20th century communication models, such as newsletters, face-to-face meetings, and clinic reports. With the new media (e.g., the Web and online social networks), scientists can trace geographic and chronological patterns to reveal the nature of significant events such as radical concepts or epidemic outbreaks. This symposium will focus on the advancement of Web surveillance methodologies developed in the fields of information management, GIScience, linguistic ontology, complex networks, and epidemiology. Innovative Web search tools, intelligence ranking algorithms, space-time analysis, user-generated contents, and social networks will be highlighted in the symposium to demonstrate this new research direction. The Web, a powerful platform for collective thinking and idea exchange, provides valuable intelligence to help scientists monitoring processes ranging in diversity from the spread of diseases to the structure of terrorist networks. The information dynamics can be transformed into visual maps and information landscapes for space-time analysis. Understanding the diffusion and cluster patterns in response to terrorist movements and epidemics may significantly facilitate intervention, and eventually, prevention responses.
Ming-Hsiang Tsou, San Diego State University
Vinton Cerf, Google Inc.
and Eduardo Jezierski, InSTEDD
Hsinchun Chen, University of Arizona
Security Informatics: The Dark Web Experience
Nigel Collier, National Institute of Informatics
Text Mining in Action: Early Alerting of Disease Outbreaks from Online Media
Filippo Menczer, Indiana University School of Informatics and Computing
Tracking the Diffusion of Ideas in Social Media
See more of: Information
See more of: Symposia