7230 Whatever Crops Up: Solving Real Problems in Every Season

Saturday, February 18, 2012: 9:00 AM
Room 201 (VCC West Building)
Guy van den Eede , European Commission, Joint Research Center, Ispra, Italy
Plant science expert, Dr. Guy van den Eede, will focus his presentation on the evolution versus revolution debate in the world of biotechnology and genetic engineering. Underlining the profound interconnectivity between advances in science and addressing global challenges in climate, energy, agriculture and health, he will argue that the dialogue between science and policy is seldom straightforward. Taking the case of GMO's in Europe versus other regions of the world, in particular, America, this session will lay bare how government decisions are ultimately political with science just one element in decision-making. A fundamental argument will be that the ability to approach global problems in food supply through global collaborations depends equally on an educated populace and substantial S
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