5532 Design thinking to induce new paradigm for issue-driven approach

Sunday, February 20, 2011: 11:00 AM
159AB (Washington Convention Center )
Tateo Arimoto , Japan Science and Technology Agency, Tokyo, Japan
Given that the world system has been increasing volatile, uncertain and complex, innovative, conceptual ideas and new method are critical. The post-2010 decade calls for a more explicit emphasis on the new challenges posted by the post-crisis world. The cost of a non-innovative at a global level will be huge. Thus, imminent transformation for innovation has been forced in which social and public nature synthesized beyond the existing boundaries, not the one for maximizing economical value, but for pursuing social value creation in order to improve individuals and communities’ lives and increase their well-being. Concomitant localization and globalization have been found signaling a new trend in innovation. Research Institute of Science and Technology for Society (commonly known as RISTEX) has been engaged at problem setting as well as R&D management in this context, taking the lead to develop method and to accumulate case studies. RISTEX was founded based upon the principle of Budapest declaration in 1999, ‘Science in Society, Science for Society. This presentation will outline the unique activity and approach of RISTEX promoting innovation designed for issue-driven approach valuing collaboration with various stakeholders among researchers, local government, NPO, communities etc. beyond private and public sectors. I will touch our pursuit of implementation and management of range of R&D projects to address social issues such as ‘Children and Crime Prevention’, ‘Global Warming, Aging Society’, ‘Service Science’, ‘Relationship between Society and Science Technology’ and ‘Science of Science and Innovation Policy’ launched in no distant future. RISTEX focuses on integrating the humanities and science, enhancing research and development, utilizing knowledge and technology system for implementation for society. Our experience in understanding social issues tells us they need to come from where the community has taken the lead. It is important to look at local community approaches as they tackle the causes and not the symptoms, providing economically, socially, and environmentally sound solutions that are suited to the needs of the local community. Accordingly, RISTEX is aiming at establishing a platform to solve social problems giving a significant impact on society. Design of innovation policies needs to take full account of such interdependencies and requires new forms of international cooperation and governance per se. In that sense, RISTEX has been pursuing across-the-board, promoting in an inclusive way.
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