2748 How My Light Bulb Went Off: From Climate Skeptic to Sustainability Leader

Friday, February 18, 2011: 2:00 PM
156 (Washington Convention Center )
William Thomas , HSBC, London, United Kingdom
I will tell the story of my journey from knowing very little about climate change and being sceptical about it, to helping HSBC continue as a leader in the field of sustainability and environmental stewardship through the HSBC Climate Partnership. 

I will focus on the significant business and staff impact the HSBC Climate Partnership has had over the last 3.5 years, and why it’s an important part of our organization.

I will cover these areas specifically:


  1. My journey and role within HSBC.
  2. My personal perspective on why the HSBC Climate Partnership with Earthwatch is working to make the organization sustainable.
  3. The impact that two unique models we developed through the program, the classic “Climate Champion” program and the HSBC Technology and Service Sustainability Leadership Program, is having on our organization, staff and long-term sustainability goals.
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