The Role of the Plan in Science Application, Societal Needs, and Decision-Making

Sunday, February 19, 2017: 8:00 AM-9:30 AM
Room 313 (Hynes Convention Center)
Libby Jewett, National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration, Silver Spring, MD
In a time of environmental, political, and social change, a cohesive Federal strategy to advance ocean science and technology, in partnership with other sectors and levels of government, will set the stage for inspired action in the coming decade for the good of the ocean and the Nation. With substantial community input, the White House’s Subcommittee on Ocean Science and Technology is developing a plan on Ocean Research in the Coming Decade (the Plan) describing the most pressing research questions and most promising areas of opportunity to guide Federal planning. This interactive session will seek input and gather information from the science and technology community to guide development of the Plan, including societal issues that stimulate ocean research and technology and the activities needed to address compelling local, regional, national, and global challenges. The Plan will focus on science, technology, and innovation to advance ocean research and promote its societal relevance. Because the ocean is a component of the larger Earth system with a highly influential human dimension, the Plan will address multi-faceted topics with relevance to ocean, polar, terrestrial, freshwater, atmospheric, and social research. It will be complementary to and informed by related research carried out by other Federal activities, non-Federal efforts, and international entities. A draft prospectus of the Plan will be made available for public comment prior to the session.