Discovery and Innovation in Science and Engineering Security Technologies

Sunday, 16 February 2014: 8:30 AM-11:30 AM
Grand Ballroom E (Hyatt Regency Chicago)
Science discovery and technological innovation help countries anticipate, monitor, and deter global security threats. Members of the U.S. research ecosystem-- academia, industry, and the national labs—play roles in discovery, design, testing, validation, and commercialization of security innovations. Sophisticated scientific and engineering techniques are required for technologies to identify and protect us from potential natural and man-made threats. This multidisciplinary symposium explores questions, issues, innovations and research at the forefront of cybersecurity, infrastructure protection, identity monitoring and management, biometric identification, and health concerns in biodefense, among others. This broad spectrum of issues will be framed by asking cross-disciplinary questions:  How can one integrate emerging physical and cyber security technologies in process and facility control systems for critical infrastructures? How do biometric identification systems and real time facial recognition help improve security in airports, banks, law enforcement, identity fraud, and how is this sophisticated identity information managed utilizing integrated information technology software? What future research is required and what funding opportunities exist to support scientists and engineers with desires to develop new technologies? Representatives from academia, government, and industry in the fields of engineering and information sciences, industrial sciences, and medical and biological sciences will address these questions
Anice Anderson, Private Engineering Consulting
Benn Tannenbaum, Sandia National Laboratories
and Cammy Abernathy, University of Florida
Jill Hruby, Sandia National Laboratories
Mitigating the Chemical, Biological, and Radiological Threat
Ernest T. Takafuji, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases
Medical, Occupational, Engineering, and Safety Aspects in Biodefense Research
Donna Dodson, National Institute of Standards and Technology

Advancing Cybersecurity, Enhancing Economic Growth