The Future of Mineral Resource Dependence in the 21st Century

Saturday, February 18, 2012: 1:30 PM-4:30 PM
Room 114-115 (VCC West Building)
Mining is one of the oldest practices that humans have exercised with our environment. Its role is paramount to our society, from providing the materials for buildings and telecom to the development of energy, food, and water resources. Mining also has contributed to cases of environmental degradation and socioeconomic injustices to underdeveloped communities. Energy materials are contributing to climate change and require vast amounts of water. Nonrenewable fertilizers endanger future energy supplies. Yet the potential for better product design and materials reuse and recycling offers new opportunities and markets. Designing more sustainable processes, technologies, and approaches for mining will be one of the great challenges of the 21st century for natural and social scientists. The beginnings of these enterprises are already taking place. Many of the world's largest mining companies and associations have started to work with community organizations, governments, and academics to provide a better service for society's welfare and sustainability. This symposium will highlight advances in the process of mineral extraction from both technological and socio-ecological resilience perspective. An interactive discussion format will reveal the connections between the presentations while asking critical questions of resource development. Partnerships between industry and the academy have largely been neglected at this level — hence the urgency and need for such a symposium.
Samir Doshi, Queen's University
Saleem Ali, Institute for Environmental Diplomacy and Security
Samir Doshi, The Robert M. Buchan Department of Mining, Queen's University
Dirk van Zyle, University of British Columbia
Saleem Ali, Institute for Environmental Diplomacy and Security
Reconsidering Nonrenewability: Minerals and Global Development
Sharman Haley, University of Alaska Anchorage
Sustainable Community Livelihoods for Mining Areas: Why Gender Matters
Thomas Graedel, Yale University
The Criticality of Metals
See more of: Development
See more of: Symposia