Make Your Science Heard: Tools, Tips, and Trends for Effective Science Communication

Open to all registrants
Sunday, February 20, 2011: 10:00 AM-11:00 AM
158AB (Washington Convention Center )
In this workshop, scientists will learn how to spotlight their discoveries and journalists can find new resources on the latest ocean-related research. First, learn about SeaWeb’s online resources, including Ocean Update, which highlights marine news and research, and Marine Science Review, a monthly review of more than 600 research publications. Learn how to contribute to and download photos from SeaWeb’s Marine Photobank the largest bank of imagery dedicated to marine conservation. Next, hear tips how to communicate science clearly. Scientists can then put their new lessons to work by presenting two-minute summaries of their research and getting immediate feedback on the pitch.
Lori A. Arguelles, SeaWeb
Kristian Teleki, SeaWeb
, Lori Arguelles, SeaWeb
and Devin Harvey, SeaWeb