3357 The Conciliatory Approach: Mediation and the Role of the Ombudsman

Monday, February 21, 2011: 11:45 AM
159AB (Washington Convention Center )
Ulrike Beisiegel , German Research Foundation, Bonn, Germany
After a severe case of scientific misconduct in 1997 the German Research Foundation (DFG) appointed a commission to make recommendations for ‘good scientific practice’ in the German system. As result of their discussions the commission published an expose and proposed that safeguarding research integrity is a principle task of the self-government of science. Fostering good scientific practice has been defined as an institutional task with the responsibility for implementation lying with the chief executives. The 16 recommendations address in particular education of and mentorship for young scientists, adequate organizational structures and suitable procedures for dealing with allegations of scientific misconduct. But also questions of securing data, authorship and strict honesty with contribution of others have been included in the recommendations. Central figures in the system of self-regulation are the ombudspersons, as independent mediators with proven personal integrity, who should be appointed in each scientific institution in the country. Every scientist can turn to these persons in conflict situations, including cases of suspected scientific misconduct. - In addition all research institutions should have establishes procedures approved by the corporate body for dealing with scientific misconduct and with the jurisdiction for sanctions. These committees can be addressed when a reasonable suspicion for scientific misconduct has been substantiated by an Ombudsman. The DFG implemented in 1999 a national committee of independent ombudspersons as mediating authority accessible to all scientists in Germany for questions on good scientific practice and scientific misconduct. This Ombuds-Committee unlike the ORI (USA) does not conduct its own investigation but brings cases of serious concern to the attention of the involved institutions. Last year a report on the first ten years of experience of this committee was published. On the basis of this report the number of proceedings dealt with, the nature of the cases and the ways to handle them as well as the lessons learned with the system of mediation and self-government will be presented.
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